Hey There!

I help women 40+ shed the weight, reclaim confidence and reignite their energy so they can look and feel great every single day!

Hello, women in midlife…

  • You WANT new ways to enhance your wellbeing so you can feel better every day

  • You're all about finding harmony between your work and your personal time

  • You know that a fulfilling life means taking care of yourself to stay healthy and happy

  • You want to show your family and friends how to live well, leaving a legacy of health and happiness

  • You believe that being healthy means being able to live a lively and joyful life to the fullest

 But, lately
(or maybe longer…)

That stubborn weight is really getting to you. It feels like you've tried everything, but it just won't budge, and it's frustrating!

Every day feels like a marathon, and you’re dragging yourself through it.  It's like your energy got up and left without leaving a forwarding address.

You’re avoiding mirrors. Your confidence seems to have vanished, and those negative thoughts can be deafening.

Sleepless nights have become your new normal, leaving you feeling wired but exhausted. It's a constant struggle.

Your hormones are acting up! It feels like a rollercoaster, and the excess weight is making it feel even wilder. Hot flashes, mood swings, the whole package. You never expected it to hit you this hard, and it's taking a toll…on everything!

It's like your joints are protesting with every step. It's not just a little ache; moving the way you used to feels like so much more of a struggle.

If you’re being honest with yourself…

 it feels like you're on an endless hamster wheel of exhausting diets and self-doubt, desperately spinning but never breaking free. Every attempt to shed those stubborn pounds seems to add more weight to the load, leaving you feeling trapped in a cycle that drains both your energy and your spirit. You know you weren’t meant to live life like this.




 And if something doesn't change?

The life you want might slip away.

If you can’t figure out how to get rid of this extra weight, you’re afraid you end up on the sidelines for the rest of your life, missing out on all the good stuff.

Forever yearning to feel truly comfortable and confident in your own skin, you'll always be wondering how different it could have been if only...



  • …you could look in the mirror with unshakeable confidence and feel comfortable and proud in your own skin, able to be authentically and beautifully you?

  • …you woke up energized and refreshed, able to go through your day without any sluggishness – just vibrancy and vitality - WITHOUT the 3PM slump?

  • …you loved everything your body can do for you, moving with ease and radiating a healthy glow that makes every day feel so much easier?

  • …your transformation went beyond the numbers on a scale, offering a shift that revitalizes your mind, body, and soul – unlocking the door to a life that's not just good but vibrant and fulfilling in every way?

WITHOUT crazy diets, super intense workouts, or obsessing about calories, macros or numbers on the scale?


  • Weight loss is confusing AF. Every day there is a new 'perfect' diet that everyone is doing and you have no idea how to eat (I mean who are you supposed to trust?)

  • You've tried ALL.THE.THINGS; eating healthy, suffering through workouts and counting, weighing and measuring until the cows come home

  • Most weight loss “gurus” recommend protocols from research that is done on men (and women are NOT just tiny men!)

  • Conventional “experts” don’t address the hidden and deeper causes of stubborn excess weight - especially for women in midlife. That means you walk away being told, “Eat less and move more” or “This is just what happens at your age” (Ugh, I mean how frustrating (and wrong) is that?)

  • Sadly, our environment is OUT OF THIS WORLD toxic and there are all kinds of hidden toxins that are keeping you from losing weight (how are you to know this?)

Eventually, a lot of women just give up

I mean, who could blame them?

When you’re working your ass off to get results and nothing is happening, it’s so hard to not want to just give up. 

I’m here to tell you that IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!
It doesn’t have to be like this. There is a solution!

Hi, I’m Genny!

I completely understand the battle with those persistent pounds, especially as we venture into our fabulous 40s and beyond. I've been through the wringer, wrestling with extra weight that left me feeling squishy, uncomfortable, and downright frustrated. I've been there, done that.

My journey started with a hormonal curveball (hello, PCOS!) and the wild adventure of having three incredible kids. The result? Extra pounds that seemed to have overstayed their welcome. Despite throwing all the conventional weight loss tricks at them, those stubborn pounds wouldn’t budge.

My dream? Rediscovering confidence, energy, and that overall feel-good vibe I lost. My reality? Feeling frumpy and as if the extra weight was holding me back from fully embracing everything I wanted in life.

This struggle led me to dive deep into the intricacies of hormones, metabolism, and the stress of adulting, uncovering how they impact our body's ability to shed excess weight. Spoiler alert: it's way more complex than the typical "eat less, move more" mantra.

After trial and error, and lots of research and experimentation, I cracked the code, bid farewell to the extra baggage, and welcomed back my energy, hormonal harmony, and self-confidence. Eager to share what I learned with others, I took a detour into becoming a holistic nutritionist. Why? To better understand female metabolism and hormones so I could help other women find the same transformation and success I did.

Introducing The Midlife Metabolism Fix – a program liberating women from the clutches of exhausting diets. Forget unrealistic plans; let's focus on real, practical, and sustainable methods to regain control of your weight and your body. The result? Feel confident and comfortable in your own skin – whether dressed to impress or rocking the au naturel look ;)

If my story vibes with you, I'm here to be your wingwoman through this midlife transformation. Ready to bid those stubborn pounds adieu? Let's make it happen together! Your radiant, confident self is just around the corner.


WHY IS The Midlife Metabolism Fix DIFFERENT?

Navigating weight loss in midlife can be like sifting through a maze of confusing advice, especially when most programs miss the mark on what's really causing the issue in the first place. It's like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Here's the scoop: many practitioners overlook the deeper root causes of excess weight for women in their 40s and beyond.

Enter The Midlife Metabolism Fixa game-changer in the world of weight loss programs.

Why? Because I show you how to ditch the confusion and cut straight to the chase with my 6-Step Metabolic Mastery Method.

Say goodbye to the overwhelm of complicated diets, exhausting workout routines, and random supplements that miss the mark and never give you the results you’re looking for.

My method is all about understanding the unique hormonal and metabolic landscape of women in midlife and then showing you what to do to actually make progress.

I’m not here to waste your time on practices that don't work.

Instead, I guide you through the foundations needed to support lasting weight loss and teach you how to work them into your busy life.

Let's uncover the real cause of your excess weight and pave the way for solutions that stick. It's time to skip the frustration and embrace the results you've been longing for.

Why I'm different?
  • I Take Your Personal Needs Into Account: Forget cookie-cutter advice made for the masses; I created a plan that's uniquely tailored to women in their midlife. Because let's face it, as fabulous women in our 40s and beyond, we deserve solutions tailored to our needs.

  • My Holistic Toolbox: Dive into a world far beyond calorie counting. My holistic approach taps into the secrets of female metabolism, hormones, and well-being, ensuring your journey is not just about weight loss but about thriving in every aspect of life.

  • Been There, Conquered That: No theory here – I've lived through the frustration and triumph of midlife weight struggles. My journey isn't just inspiration; it's the backbone of strategies that work in the real world.

  • Weight Loss, Your Way: Say goodbye to crash diets and hello to methods that seamlessly integrate into your life. I'm all about sustainable changes that stick, because your journey should be a steady climb, not a rollercoaster.

  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: It's not just about following a plan; it's about understanding it. I'll be your guide, ensuring you grasp the 'whys' and 'hows' so that you're not just losing weight but gaining knowledge and control.

  • Vibrant Living, Not Just Numbers: Let's shift the focus from the scale to how you look & feel. Weight loss is a journey to reclaim confidence, energy and vitality. Together, we'll ensure you're not just shedding pounds but embracing a vibrant and invigorated life.

  • Your Constant Companion: This journey is personal, and so is my support. From cheering on your victories to navigating the rough patches, consider me your dedicated companion throughout this transformative experience. Helping you through the entire process, supporting you through the whole journey and watching you succeed is why I do what I do! You’ll never have to “go it alone” or figure it out yourself when you’re working with me.

The 6-Step Metabolic Mastery Method:


When you enroll in the Midlife Metabolism Fix, we'll start off with an in-depth consultation so I can assess your unique needs, preferences and desired outcomes from a holistic perspective. From there, I'll move you through my one of a kind methodology, The 6-Step Metabolic Mastery Method

What You Get:

  • 8 Private LIVE Coaching Calls (up to 60-minutes each)

    Embark on this journey with me every two weeks in our private Zoom sessions. I'll wear many hats – your guide, teacher, and sounding board. Together, we'll dive into the material, discuss your progress, conquer challenges, and troubleshoot any problems. Think of me as your accountability partner, dedicated to propelling you forward on this transformative journey. Plus, you'll have the option to record these sessions, offering you the flexibility to revisit and reinforce your learnings at any time.

  • Customized Expert Advice (120-days access)

    You'll unlock personalized guidance tailored specifically to your unique needs and goals. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches and hello to a plan designed just for you. Together, we'll navigate the world of nutrition, wellness, and lifestyle choices, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.

  • All Course Materials (lifetime access)

    Get ready for an information-packed journey! Throughout our time together, I'll equip you with downloadable treasures from the Midlife Metabolism Fix. Imagine having a stash of valuable resources at your fingertips – shopping lists, recipes, meal plans, workout routines, reference materials, and more. These goodies are designed to be your lifelong companions, supporting your health and metabolism through all the phases of life. It's not just a program; it's your toolkit for long-term well-being!

  • Unlimited Email Support (120-days access)

    Have a question between our calls or need advice or some extra support? I've got you covered. Feel free to shoot me an email and I’ll get back to you Monday through Thursday, within one business day, I'll respond to support you in any way I can. No more feeling alone on this journey – I'm here whenever you need a helping hand.

  • Weekly Accountability Check-ins (120-days access)

    Let's face it – it's easy to stray from the path when you're solely responsible for holding yourself accountable. That's why, every week, I'll check in with you to ensure you're staying on track with the Metabolism Mastery Method. If, by chance, you find yourself off course, don't worry – I'll be right there to help you create a realistic plan to get you back on the path to success.

  • Messaging Within The App (120-days access)

    Have a quick question or prefer texting over email? No problem at all! Enjoy exclusive access to in-app texting with the Midlife Metabolism Fix. Reach out with your questions, and I'll get back to you with my best answer or advice within one working day.

Success Stories:

"I haven’t lost weight like this in a very long time!  I also can’t remember the last time I had this much energy and I felt so happy!  This is the best decision I’ve made and Genny is awesome!  I am down 10 pounds so far!

Fallon H., Texas

"I feel better!  More energy, less lethargic and more focused. 

I went to my gynecologist for my annual check up and blood work.  Guess what?  My levels are all within normal range, including my testosterone!  Even my A1C is now within normal range and I’m no longer prediabetic!

I’m very optimistic about this plan and I know Genny has my back!”

~ Megan Z., Iowa

"I have so many more wins than I thought I would have!  In 4 months I’ve lost, and kept off, 16 pounds.  I had impeccable blood work come back two weeks ago, officially off metformin and blood pressure improved. 

I have more energy, less moodiness/feeling blah, menstrual cycles getting better each month, my nails and hair are drastically better and my skin has NEVER been clearer!

Thank you Genny Tonin for creating a program that truly works because this has been life changing.

Christine M., Manitoba


Holistic Health Enthusiasts: Women 40 and beyond, that embrace the idea that health is a trio of physical, mental, and emotional well-being working together!

Results-Oriented: Women looking for real solutions and ready for a weight loss journey with specific goals and meaningful transformation and life changing outcomes.

Ready For A Lasting Change: Women on a mission for lasting weight loss, wanting a better way to do things and valuing a better approach and understanding the importance of investing time and resources in activities that deliver lasting results.

Striving For Progress NOT Perfection: Real life isn’t about unrealistic standards or rigidity. Lasting change thrives in a supportive environment where a growth mindset and improvement are celebrated. It's time to unlock your potential and embrace the journey toward becoming your best self, one step at a time!



  • Women who are only looking for a quick fix - no crash diets here

  • Women who are looking for drugs or prescriptions to “fix” their weight loss (that’s not what I do or what I’m about)

  • Women who aren’t open to a new approach and a different way of overcoming weight loss

  • Women who aren’t willing to show up for themselves, learn new processes and be accountable for their actions

  • Women who are struggling with severe food addictions and eating disorders (I don’t have expertise around this so I won’t be the right practitioner for you)

Ready to welcome lasting weight loss, endless energy, and a confidence boost?

Midlife Metabolism Fix is your ticket to a vibrant, empowered you!

Let’s break down what you get when you join The Midlife Metabolism Fix:

The 6-Step Metabolic Mastery Method taught LIVE Over 8 Lessons 

Lifetime access to all content and materials

16-Weeks of Direct Access to Expert Advice (120 days access)

8 Private Coaching Calls (over 120 days) 

Unlimited Email Support (120-days access)

Weekly Accountability Check-Ins (120-days access)

Private Chat within the App (120 days access)

Are you ready to say goodbye to the soul-crushing battle with excess weight and instead step into a world where lasting weight loss brings clarity, confidence, and unbridled joy?

Embrace the transformation with
The Midlife Metabolism Fix and rediscover the freedom from endless weight loss struggles.

Let’s ditch that crappy diet rollercoaster once and for all and do this together, right now!


"I went to my doctor’s appointment today and I lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks! Thank you so much Genny Tonin! ~ Staci L., Illinois

"I went to my doctor’s appointment today and I lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks! Thank you so much Genny Tonin! ~ Staci L., Illinois

“I’ve lost pounds during this holiday season 😁 and feeling better with more energy! Thank u Genny for this program and your assistance. I have noticed my stress levels are down on my fit bit. This is not the end. You can have a good quality life.” ~ Chanita W., Mississippi

“I’ve lost pounds during this holiday season 😁 and feeling better with more energy! Thank u Genny for this program and your assistance. I have noticed my stress levels are down on my fit bit. This is not the end. You can have a good quality life.” ~ Chanita W., Mississippi

"In less than 3 weeks my waist is down 3 inches and I am down 4 pounds. I'm sleeping better, less brain fog, no need to nap and more energy overall. You don't have to suffer for the rest of your life because there are solutions to fix it and you're not alone. ~ Christy F., Ontario

"In less than 3 weeks my waist is down 3 inches and I am down 4 pounds. I'm sleeping better, less brain fog, no need to nap and more energy overall. You don't have to suffer for the rest of your life because there are solutions to fix it and you're not alone. ~ Christy F., Ontario

Fallon H. Texas

"Having a coach by my side has made all the difference to my success! I have really connected with Genny.

 She gives a good vibe and trusting words.”

Gul K., Turkey

"I Struggled For Years With Health Issues And Hormones.  This New Diet Is Full Of Healthy Food And I Don’t Really Feel Hungry Or Moody. I'm Not Dieting Anymore; I Was Able To Transit To A Sustainable And Healthy Lifestyle With Genny's Support!

Things Are Changing For Me Physically And Mentally After All Those Years, I Feel More Confident, Balanced And Stronger. The Transformation Of My Metabolism And Overall Well-Being Is Unbelievable!”

Christa D., Nebraska

Genny has honestly been amazing in helping me. She understands what it is like and takes the time to listen. She has worked with me to find a plan specifically tailored to my needs in a way that addresses the root causes of the problem. She has provided me with recipes, food plans and overall lifestyle advice. If I have questions, she is also always available. Taking her advice, I’ve not only seen improvements in my weight, but also my mood, energy levels, and cravings. I highly recommend anyone struggling with weight loss to reach out to her.”

"I’m Invested In This Because It Is The First Thing That Has Worked For Me! This Is So Valuable!” Diane M., Ontario

"I’m Invested In This Because It Is The First Thing That Has Worked For Me! This Is So Valuable!” Diane M., Ontario •

“Running out of options, I decided to see Gen, hoping for an alternative to a lifetime of medication. I was skeptical at first, but Gen’s depth of knowledge about nutrition, diet, and exercise allowed us to address the root cause of my issues.

Her passion about having a great relationship with food was contagious, and she designed a program that actually worked for me. I have already lost about 17 pounds and feel great! Thank you so much Gen, you’ve allowed me to do the things I love. I couldn’t be happier!”

Sandi V., Ontario

"I want to say a big thanks for all the help you provided. My MD ordered a blood test and all my levels were perfect. Anti-TPO significantly lowered and my homocysteine levels, which were borderline high, were in the low normals this time. MD was very happy with the results. :)”

Annie., New York

  • Anxious to get started? Me too! Schedule a call with me HERE and we can get you started on your journey.

  • It's not just another diet or exercise program. This program is designed to teach you science backed tools that are most effective for supporting your female metabolism throughout midlife and beyond. You will also have support, accountability and individualized expert advice to help keep you focused and motivated throughout the journey. Having both the right strategies and expert support sets you up for true success! Click HERE to get started now!

  • The Midlife Metabolism Fix is 16 weeks in length but the information you gain is designed to be integrated into your life for the long-term. No crash diets or gimmicks here. Book your free call HERE now!

  • Our private sessions are online so they can be conducted from anywhere you have an internet connection. If you aren’t available during your trip, we can schedule the private sessions around your travel plans.

  • This program is designed to support the unique needs of women in their midlife and beyond. That said, the information provided can benefit people from all walks of life and of varying needs. I welcome all people interested in making a positive and healthy change to their metabolism and overall wellness.

  • Your results are directly related to various factors, including your level of dedication and consistency. However, many clients start noticing positive results as fast as a few days after beginning to apply changes.

  • You can expect to see both non-scale victories and potential scale wins. However, I cannot guarantee specific results, as I am not there to monitor your daily activities. Your results will be dependent on how consistently you apply the strategies. But with my help and your dedication, you can expect to have great results.

  • The Midlife Metabolism Fix does require a 4 figure investment. You’ll have the option to pay in full or access one of our generous payment plans. Simply book a call and we can discuss the payment option that works best for your financial situation.

  • Absolutely, your eating style and preferences will be accounted for when developing your nutrition plan. I have worked with people with many different dietary styles and restrictions.

  • I will support you throughout this entire journey. No more figuring it out for yourself! We'll have ongoing contact through the app and during our private calls. You will also have access to me through email if you need further assistance.

  • If either the Coach or the ​Client decides to cancel services, any services provided up to that point, including materials and sessions, are non-​refundable. We're here to help find solutions that benefit both parties in unexpected situations.

  • Absolutely. However you are responsible for ensuring any suggestions and recommendations offered during our time working together are approved by your healthcare provider.

  • The program will be accessible through a program called Practice Better. When you enroll, you will be given access to everything you need.

  • You will have the opportunity to record the calls for future reference.

  • You don’t need to buy anything else in order to succeed in the Midlife Metabolism Fix. I do talk about supplements and provide an exercise program but any suggestions I give are strictly optional and not necessary to be successful in the program. My aim in this program is to make it as convenient and accessible as possible.

  • I get it, it is a big decision. Click HERE to book a free call with me so we can figure out together if this is the right solution for you.